Health & Welfare
Carpenters Union Members have access to Health, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance plans. These plans also include Prescription Drug coverage, and Short Term & Long Term Disability coverage.
*Health & Welfare coverage is a Fringe Benefit paid by your employing Contractor
* Coverage begins after you accrue $3,200 in a quarter (paid in by your Contractor)

Carpenters Union Members receive two types of Pension packages.
*Pension - Defined Benefit Pension
*Pension Annuity - Defined Contribution Pension
Both of these are Fringe Benefits paid by your employing Contractor and both retirement plans offer members a lifetime of benefits to reflect the hard work they put into each job and the dedication they've shown to the trade.


Job Training

Carpenters Training Institute
Five Rivers Campus
Apprenticeship Training
Enroll in the Apprenticeship Program and EARN While You LEARN
The 5 Rivers JATC is located in Cedar Rapids, IA. You will train with Professional Carpenters during week long classes and then go back to work with a Union Contractor to get On The Job Training experience.
Carpenters Apprenticeships typically take 4 years, with 1 week long class scheduled approximately every 3 months.
Working alongside professional contractors, you'll gain in-depth knowledge about general carpentry, cabinetry and scaffolding. The apprenticeship program:
Addresses scaffold safety regulations, procedures and techniques
Certifies apprentices in first aid, automated external defibrillator (AED) and CPR
Focuses on workplace hazards, worker's rights and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards
Equips members with a working knowledge of proper rigging, signaling, lifting and loading techniques
Concentrates on health care construction practices and infection control risk assessments
Contact us today to find out how to join the growing number of Union Carpenters.
Journeymen Upgrade Classes
Start Taking Your Carpentry Education Seriously
All Journeymen Carpenters in Good Standing can take the "Skilled Advancement Classes" available at the Carpenters Training Institute - Five Rivers Campus. They offer a variety of skills, including:
Scaffold 40
First Aid, CPR & AED
Acoustical Ceilings
Aerial Lift & Fork Truck
Construction Fall Protection
Construction Master Pro Calculator
Doors Hardware
Hazard Communication & Chemical Safety
ICRA (Best Practices)
Total Station
Solid Surface Installer
Rigging & Signaling Class
Classes are free for Union members, and night classes are available. Whether you want to acquire a new skill or just need a refresher course, the link above gives a list of what classes are currently on schedule. Contact Carpenters Training Institute - Five Rivers Campus at 319-365-9519 to check on availability of classes.